About Inlinex
Provide Internationally renowned hardgood brands at the very best price in Southeast Asia
Honesty. Transparent. Fair Trade Practices
IN ADDITION: to promote all types roller sports in Southeast Asia and provide an outlet for southeast asians to buy proven brands without overpaying for shipping.
How do we work?
Identify top brands from all over the world. | Price match from all major retailers worldwide. | Find the cheapest and quickest mode of shipment. |
Not Cheapskates!
As the market continues to evolve and more people are looking for specialized sporting equipment, there are many products flooded into the market primarily to make money. These products may look similar to the products we represent, but in actual fact, they are not only killing people's interest, they are also killing what we stand for. Always save on value, not on quality.
See our Brands here.
The 4 Pillars of Sustaining our Business
Save on rental cost by reducing Physical Shops. | Bring inventory in volume to reduce cost of goods. | Train and retain talents to ensure growth in industry | Sell worldwide |
Vision: Maintain Loyalty in Customers
Provide quick and efficient help before and after sales. | Covering all products with fair warranty and trade practices | Understanding the community to improve on product offerings and customer service. |
Our History
From a team of coaches to probably the biggest skate company in Singapore. Look back at our heritage here.