Inlinex skate shop now ship internationally!


Inlinex now ships worldwide. Listed are the countries we provide shipping to:

(Estimated Price & Timeline for a Pair of Adult Skates)

Europe - €30 - €38 | 3-5 working days

United Kingdom - £28 - £35 | 3-5 working days

United States - USD52 - USD63 | 3-7 working days

Hong Kong - HKD220 - HKD250 1-3 working days

Brunei - BND70 - BND75 | 5-8 working days

Thailand - ฿909 - ฿1091 | 1-3 working days

Indonesia - RP435740 - RP522889 | 2-4 working days

Calculate the Shipping cost at the Cart Page

If the country is not listed above, you can also easily calculate the cost of shipping your items before checking out. We may also offer discounted rates when you spend above a certain amount depending on where you're buying from. 

Buy our skates and scooters at the best price today! Find out more about our international shipping terms here

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