Inline Skating Lessons@100Plus Promenade
Inline Skating Lessons@100Plus Promenade
🗓️ Make an Appointment
🗓️ Make an Appointment
If you wish to make an appointment or find out more about our inline skate lesson, please whatsapp our coach
Pay only when you see results
Learn inline skating in 1 hour with our Internationally Certified Coach who have more than 15 years of teaching experience. He is the only coach that Inlinex endorses. Pay only if you see results! By end of the 1 lesson, you will be able to confidently:
- Break a fall on inline skates
- Roll on inline skates (Flat Surface)
- Stride on inline skates (Flat Surface)
- Heel brake on inline skates (Flat Surface)
With these 4 skills, you will be able to practice on your own to start cruising down the beach independently.
What do you need?
- A pair of Inline Skate (No skates from Decathlon)
- A set of protective gear (Wrist, Elbow & Knee)
- A helmet
- A bum guard (You may request from the coach)
- A bottle of water
Day/Time of Lessons
Lessons will be held every Weekday from 9 - 11am. Please whatsapp us to book your time slot.
Where is it held?
Lessons will be held at Gate 1 of the 100Plus Promenade. The conducive space has all the requirements needed to learn skating which includes:
- Flat surface without uneven spots
- Smooth
- Wide and big open space
- Sheltered

What to expect?
- This is an hour long private class
- Our coach arrives 15 minutes before commencement of class and will end the class on time.
- If you wish for the coach to assist you in gearing up, please arrive 15 minutes before the class starts.
- There will be no extension of class time if you are late.
- The coach may hold your hand and/or place his hand on your back to help you balance better. Our coach is male.
- Coach to Student Ratio 1:1
Not suitable for those who
- Haven't exercise in a long time.
Just recovered from a serious physical injury
- Kids below 6 years old
Please be aware that inline skating carries inherent risks of injury like any other activities, and by participating, you graciously accept full responsibility for your safety.